Turbo Training - 3ds Max Training Collection
English | TSCC 1024x768 | MP3 32 Kbps | 41.3 GB
Genre: eLearning
CreatureFX: Volume 1, PFlow Toolbox Office: Vol. 1, PFlow Toolbox Office: Vol. 2, FumeFX Essentials, FumeFX Advanced, Advanced Visual Effects, Advanced Visual Effects 2, Advanced Visual Effects 3, ParticleFX for Film, Cloth Techniques, Advanced Cloth Workshop
Creature FX: Volume 1
Creature FX: Volume 1 is the first in a series of training DVDs designed to focus on dozens of the visual effects associated with characters, creatures and other organic and animated subjects. It introduces many advanced industry techniques developed specifically for the latest crop of effects-laden films and utilizes up to date software and methods to create blockbuster visual effects!
In Volume 1, you'll learn the entire creative process for generating convincing character disintegration effects; similar to the visual effects created for the upcoming action feature film Day Breakers (release date early 2010) to create a character bursting into flames and burning away. Each layer of this effect is meticulously handled through advanced particle systems, scripting, fluids and advanced shader techniques.
PFlow Toolbox Office: Volume 1 - Beginner / Intermediate Guide to Particle Flow Tools: Box 1 & Box 3 Pro
This highly anticipated training kit from freelance particle and destruction effects guru Anselm v. Seherr-Thoss focuses on many of the advanced subjects for getting the most of the popular Particle Flow plug-in technologies: Box 1 (now included as part of 3ds Max 2010) and Box 3 Pro. This training course will give new users and intermediate professionals alike the ability to assemble complex Particle Flow systems using these advanced plug-in technologies.
Create effects ranging from scripted fracturing of objects to using sound files to affect your particles' behavior. Tutorials that explain, ocean wakes, nanomites and precise alignment of particles to objects are included in this training course. Ansi takes you step-by-step through each effect and provides you with the start and end scene files to explore and dissect on your own as well. And as a little something extra, the training comes with over 20 bonus scene files that you can dive into on your own to see how Ansi creates some of the killer effects he's responsible for daily.
PFlow Toolbox Office: Volume 2 - Guide to Particle Flow Tools: Box 2 Pro
This second training kit from freelance particle and destruction effects guru Anselm v. Seherr-Thoss will help you get up to speed quickly with the workflow and operators that are part of the PFlow Tools: Box 2 Pro plug-in for Particle Flow. This course will give new users and intermediate professionals alike the ability to assemble dynamic Particle Flow systems using these advanced plug-in technologies. Additionally, several bonus videos show you how to take advantage of the popular RayFire destruction plug-in.
Create complex collision effects ranging from sticky particles to procedural soft-body cloth tearing all using the PhysX-based dynamics tools built into Box 2 Pro. Tutorials that explain soft-body techniques including deformable foliage, realistic netting, and squishy objects as well as more complex hard surface effects such as controllable building explosions and glass shattering are all included in this training course. Ansi takes you step-by-step through each effect and provides you with the start and end scene files to explore and dissect on your own as well. And as a little something extra, the training comes with over a dozen bonus scene files that you can dive into on your own to see how Ansi creates some of the killer effects he's responsible for daily.
FumeFX Essentials
Effects specialist and Autodesk Master Allan McKay has created a brand new training DVD for users interested in coming up to speed with the powerful Autodesk Certified Animation plug-in FumeFX.
This DVD demystifies the various controls for making believable FumeFX simulations. You'll be amazed at what the FumeFX engine is capable of, creating everything from animated burning paper and huge fiery explosions to bubbling caudrons and dirt/dust effects.
FumeFX: Advanced - the Ultimate Solution for FumeFX Training
Just released, the new and highly anticipated FumeFX: Advanced training focuses on many of the advanced subjects for fluid simulations: creating photo-realistic fire and smoke and massive explosions that rival most real explosions and stock footage. This 2 DVD set prepares both intermediate and professionals alike for tackling the most difficult of visual effects shots with confidence and a solid knowledge and understanding of fluids, particles, shaders and compositing; allowing them to conquer the most ambitious FX shots while approaching the task with production proven techniques.
This pair of incredible DVDs cover industry techniques and walk the viewer through many practical examples of real life visual effects shots; from the initial pre-production and planning through building of MaxScripts to automate tasks, dealing with containers and FumeFX settings all the way through rendering and finally compositing of the final effects elements into your shots.
Advanced Visual Effects
If you’re looking for training beyond the basics, then the Advanced Visual Effects DVD is for you. This DVD volume (part of the new Turbo Training collection) contains over 14 hours of material from special effects creator and Particle Flow master Allan McKay.
Aimed at intermediate and advanced users, the Advanced Visual Effects DVD showcases much of Allan’s talent and techniques for producing incredible animation using 3ds Max and the Particle Flow particle system. Starting with simple examples, Allan works up to more complex effects including generating procedural tornados and volcanoes, as well as a drip system that must be seen to be believed. He also covers topics including the use of procedural materials, reactor 2 physics basics.
Advanced Visual Effects 2
Visual Effects guru and particle effects master Allan McKay is back with another round of stellar particle effects as part of his latest training kit: Turbo Training: Advanced Visual Effects 2.
This time out, Allan has created seven new project-based tutorials that push the built-in Particle Flow particle system to the limit and beyond. With a running length of over 6 hours, this training DVD is aimed at intermediate and advanced users. Allan starts off with easier effects like creating a DNA strand out of particles, then ramps up to more complex natural effects including procedural lava and particle fire, as well as building a crumbling iceberg, splashing barrels and exploding tanks.
To achieve several of these effects, Allan spends time showcasing two Autodesk Certified Animation Plug-ins: AfterBurn 3 and Particle Flow Tools: Box 1 and discusses how they can extend what the core PFlow particle system can do.
Advanced Visual Effects 3
The much anticipated Advanced Visual Effects series returns with Volume 3, focused on many of 3D Studio Max's advanced solutions for visual effects for use in both Hollywood feature films and game cinematics
Taking advantage of many of the latest technologies and utilized to create ground breaking new approaches to visual effects, Allan McKay takes us through over 11 hours of training content on subjects such Fume FX, Krakatoa, Rayfire, Compositing, Advanced FX Rigging, Simulating water, Fracturing, Fire, Maxscripting to build sophisticated production tools and many new dynamics set ups such as used with Pflow Tools Box 2.
Advanced VFX Vol 3 - We go through how to build many ground breaking effects to popular topics like Tornado's, Magic, Explosions, Character Effects etc. afterward advancing into the area of building these effects into a more automated pipeline so that we are able to have them dynamically change and adapt to the set ups we give them, allowing our effects to adapt intelligently to what we need. We also write several tools used in actual film production to automate a lot of the painstaking tasks we're required to do, and then take them a step further to create our film effects for us.
ParticleFX for Film
Raise the bar on your particle work!
Industry veteran Szymon Masiak has put together over 4 hours of incredible Particle Flow and Autodesk Certified Animation Plug-in AfterBurn 3 training for animators looking to increase their understanding of how these two systems work in concert to produce everything from fiery explosions to drifting clouds.
Cloth Techniques
With the recent inclusion of the cloth tools (known as clothfx to many users) into the Autodesk Subscription Program for 3ds Max, more animators than ever have begun to look for training to help them get more out of the product than the basic tutorials provide.
This DVD training goes above and beyond normal flags and curtains cloth examples, and shows you how to create far more complex garments using the GarmentMaker modifier, as well as giving you an arsenal of information that will help you be more productive in less time.
Advanced Cloth Workshop
Learn the secrets of the pros!
Veteran animator Paul Hormis (who has been a part of both Blizzard Entertainment and Blur Studios during his 15 years of professional work) has assembled over 4 hours of incredible cloth effects and techniques for animators looking to push cloth to its limits and in the process, you'll learn how to use cloth in ways you never imagined.
This DVD is designed to assist animators who do not want to have to build clothing from panels, and shows you completely unique ways to get the most out of your modelled clothing using Editable Poly and the Cloth Extension.