K Alliance : Configuring Windows 7 Exam 70-680 ( 102 Video )
English | FLV 1024 kbps | 800x600 29.9fps | MP3 128 kbps | 4.3 GB
Genre: Video training
Microsoft Learning expects the MCTS Windows 7, Configuring exam to be a popular one, which is why you should definitely get a head start on preparing to pass it by taking our self-study MCTS Windows 7 certification training course. We have certified instructors teaching our MCTS Windows 7 training videos, which allows for you to receive a quality IT training that will help you enhance your knowledge to pass the exam. These experts have already learned all there is to know about configuring Windows 7 and they will show you everything in our self-study MCTS Windows 7 certification training course. The MCTS Windows 7 Configuring training videos feature tons of interactive components designed to help you learn faster and retain the information longer.