Xcode 4 New Features-QUASAR | 227Mb
UASAR released Xcode 4 New Features from author Bill Weinman, including details of the latest additions and enhancements to Xcode 4 and showing iOS and Mac OS X developers how to build applications efficiently with the toolsets redesigned single-window interface. The course covers editing with the Assistant Editor, connecting interface elements and code using Interface Builder, selecting the appropriate debugger, and managing version control. Exercise files accompany the course. Topics include: - Setting up Xcode 4 - Managing builds with schemes - Viewing files in different formats - Using inspectors, libraries, and code snippets - Connecting interface elements with the Assistant Editor - Understanding the differences between GDB and LLDB debuggers - Managing breakpoints - Using a Git repository - Exploring the new LLVM compiler engine - Avoiding common errors with Fix-it Release Name: