Digital Tutors – Unity Mobile Game Development Series
English | .flv | 2h62 768 kbps | 1280 x 720 15fps | 8.96 Gb
Genre: eLearning
Unity Mobile Game Development – Character and Weapon Modeling
We will start by referencing our game document, which will be our guide through the process of creating our
Unity game.We can find information on the look of our models but also on the desired resolutions of the models
and textures.We will concentrate on creating game topology for our two characters and two weapon models.We will
also cover map generation and texture painting as part of the process.In the end we will have models ready to
be rigged and animated or plugged directly into the game engine.We will use a variety of software packages from
Maya, to TopoGun, to ZBrush and Mudbox,in order to prepare our assets so there will be a lot of back and forth.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Communication with Notification Center
We’ll begin the tutorial by learning about all the built-in methods Unity gives us to talk between scripts
and between objects.We’ll learn the how to find and access scripts on any game object using either direct
connections, finding the object or the physics system.Finally we’ll examine how a script can call methods
on many other scripts using the messaging system in Unity.Each of these methods has limitations, so next we’ll
introduce the 3rd party script ‘Notification Center’,which acts as a central hub for easily communicating between
multiple scripts.We’ll learn how to post a new notification, how to observe a notification and how to pass data
through the Notification Center.We’ll wrap everything up by examining each of these methods and discuss which
we should use in various situations.Understanding how our scripts will talk to each other lets us break our game
into many script components,while still creating the functionality we need with the least amount of effort.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Concept and Design
We will begin this course by learning about the role of a concept artist and how that role fits into
the production pipeline.Next, we will learn about the game design document and then use it to determine
which assets concept art is needed.From there, we’ll move on and learn about designing a level for our
game from the ground up by planning out its overhead layout.Next, we will learn how to visualize this
layout by creating concept sketches.Lastly, we will shift our attention to painting the concept art,
focusing on rendering out our composition,planning for and painting the light sources, and then rendering
out organic material to line the walls of our level.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Environment Modeling
We will start by referencing our game document, which will give us a great deal of information,not
only on the look of our models, but also on more technical aspects like geometry and texture resolutions.
We’ll talk about basic modeling techniques for creating the different parts of our game level,and we’ll
concentrate on creating portions of the level that can be seamlessly tiled.We’ll go over how we can break
down our reference art and where we can add unique details to break up the repeating geometry.We’ll finish
by talking about methods for making sure all of the pieces match up properly and are saved
out for uv and texture work.
Unity Mobile Game Development – GUI Functionality
This Unity tutorial will discuss the process of creating a custom Graphical User Interface for our
mobile game on the Android tablet.Through out these lessons, we’ll create our own custom scripts to
create the exact behavior we want from our user interface,and how we implement those to work with
our Android tablet.We’ll create buttons that will allow us to fire, reload, and swap our weapons.
We’ll also create the functionality to give the player feedback on how much ammo, time, and health
they have during the game.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Level Design
In this Unity tutorial we learn how to assemble our level and how to add details to make our level
more interesting and exciting.Throughout the tutorial we will learn how to assemble the core of our
game level,and then we will advance through the stages of set dressing by blocking in major details.
After we’ve blocked in our details, we’ll become more intentional with our design by adding, taking
away,or rearranging our props for the betterment of our overall design.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Lighting and Lightmapping
We will start by using a simple scene to demonstrate topics such as realtime shadows and lighting,we
will also explore the process of lightmapping inside of Unity, allowing us to bake indirect illumination,
shadows and ambient occlusion directly into our texture maps.While discussing lightmaps, we will show you
a number of methods for getting a proper lightmapping result based on your object’s UVs.We will also discuss
how lights and shadows play a critically important role in conveying a certain mood or an atmosphere within our environments.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Player Functionality
This Unity tutorial will create the basic framework for our main character such as, movement, camera
position, weapons, and applying damage to enemies.Throughout the tutorial, we’ll learn how to manipulate
Unity’s Player Relative Control prefab to give us our third person view,and then we’ll learn how to create
the desired player movement based off of those scripts.After that, we’ll get into creating weapon functionality
for our assault rifle and our shotgun using our own custom scripts.Finally, we’ll end the course by applying
our weapon damage to affect an enemy’s health and make them explode when that health reaches zero.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Rigging and Animation
We’ll start by taking a look into our rigging process.We’ll learn about bone and influence limits that
we should adhere to.We’ll learn techniques for creating rigs with a sufficient amount of control, despite
our limitations.We’ll cover repurposing and optimizing control rigs to work more efficiently.In the end,
we will have given the animator a very flexible rig with more than enough control,to successful create
appealing performances in the characters they’ve been tasked with.In animation, we’ll learn some neat
animation tricks and techniques to bring your game assets to life in an fun away;techniques that consist of:
reversing an animated sequence, avoiding weightlessness,and tricks for animating a crawling creature
with several legs.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Saving Data and Highscores
Through these lessons we’ll learn how we can use the GUI class to draw various text and images on our
screen.From there, we will examine time-saving techniques for placing our GUI elements with the inspector
accurately.We’ll learn how we can use arrays to store multiple pieces of data and how we can display lists
using for loops.Then we’ll refactor our array into a highscore class.With our display set up, we will
learn the commands to access our player prefs and the logic we need to sort and store our data.Finally
we’ll see how we can use mobile keyboards and examine a faster method of saving data for mobile platforms.
From basic preferences like display settings to more complex structures like high scores,it’s important to
understand how to save data after we close our game.
Unity Mobile Game Development – Set Dressing
We will start the training by taking a look at our game development document as well as the artwork that
we have.These will give us a better idea of the technical aspects of our models and their look.We’ll talk
about building the geometry and creating texture maps for pieces of our level like old oil drums, boards
and lights.We’ll also cover workflows between Maya and Mudbox for modeling, sculpting, and painting bits
of organic debris to illustrate the enemy infestation.We’ll finish up by talking about dressing the set
temporarily in Maya as a guide for the final dressing in Unity.
Unity Mobile Game Development – User Interface Design
We’ll get started by discussing the needs of our game in terms of user interface graphics,and then learn how
to set up a document in Photoshop to design them in.Next we’ll learn some strategies for building graphics and
examine some possible pitfalls.We’ll learn about different states of a specific graphic and how we can setup our
file to make saving this type of graphic out a bit easier.After all the graphics for our game have been created,
we’ll shift our focus to preparing them for Unity.We’ll learn about important things to consider when cropping and
saving our files.Then we’ll wrap this course up by learning how unity handles transparency and some workflows we will
need to utilize to accommodate this.
Unity Mobile Game Development – UV Layout and Texturing
We will start by talking about some steps for starting your UV layout process as well as some important concepts,
that you should keep in mind whenever preparing your UVs and your textures for use inside of Unity.We will talk
about the importance of hiding UV seams on your geometry, planning texture layouts on your objects to maximize
efficiency,you will learn UV layout and geometry modification tricks that can dramatically enhance the use of
your UV texture space,and we will spend time in Photoshop learning how the textures in our level were created.